Case Results
$1,000,000: Motor Vehicle Accident – Personal Injury
Client in coma as result of accident.
$100,000: Auto Accident Policy Limit Case – Personal Injury
Client became injured in a rear end car accident that occurred on the highway. The client knew the other driver was at fault, and was able to obtain the other driver’s insurance information. Initially the client wanted to work out the case without an attorney. Despite trying, she was not able to reach an agreement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company for her hospital expenses and other damages caused by the injuries. Bills were mounting and she did not know where to turn. After hiring our law firm, we reached a fair settlement with the insurance company and they agreed to take care of all her bills. We then demanded every dollar that was available under the client’s policy limits or we would take the case to court. Faced with the possibility of litigation, the insurance company eventually settled with our client and paid every dollar (100,000.00) under the policy.
$100,000: Motorcycle Accident – Personal Injury
$160,000: Motor Vehicle Accident Policy Limit – Personal Injury
$50,000: Motor Vehicle Accident Policy Limit – Personal Injury
Passenger in vehicle that lost control.