Serving the Community

Featured in Lawyers of Distinction
Mr. Russo is featured in Lawyers of Distinction. The organization publishes its members in various national publications.
12th Annual Toys for Tots Toy Drive – 2022 Rhode Island
The community came together to put HUNDREDS of smiles on the faces of some little ones who may not have had a Christmas without their generous support! The community enjoyed a fun time giving toys and received a raffle ticket for their chance to win a Holiday Cheer Basket & Complimentary Buffet prepared by Chef Al Forte & provided courtesy of Johnston Town Council President Bob Russo!

Featured in “Shop in RI” – March 2021 Cover
See what “Shop in RI” had to say about the law office, featured on the cover:

Annual Special Olympics Event
Johnston to URI – State Summer Games
One of the biggest annual motorcycle events in the state with between 600-800 bikes.

Thanksgiving Can Drive 2020
Robert Russo, Esquire and students of Johnston High School. Russo contributed to their food drive for Thanksgiving – This group represents the S.A.D.D. organization (Students Against Dangerous Decisions) formerly Students Against Drunk Driving. Together, we obtained over 20 cases of food as well as turkeys that will be distributed through a local church.

Scholarship recognition a family affair for Russo brothers
Robert V. Russo started participating in the annual Honors Night scholarship in Johnson High School’s auditorium nearly 10 years ago.
The accomplished, Providence-based attorney who also serves on the Johnson Town Council as president, started this tradition that helps high school seniors pursue college degrees.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, Russo, school officials and others presenting college scholarships were unable to attend this program.
“I have always been so grateful for the experience I had at Johnston High School and the educational opportunities I had at Bryant College and the University of Baltimore Law School,” Russo said the other afternoon. “I wanted to give back to students that are motivated to fertilize their minds.”

Recreation Center Ceremony
Robert Russo, Esquire speaking on the ground breaking of a new indoor recreation center in the town of Johnston – through hard work and cooperation with government and business leaders, we have obtained over a half billion dollars of investment in the community.

Giving back to the Community
Attorney Robert Russo in his capacity as President of the Town Council for the Town of Johnston Rhode Island takes pride in donating a retired Rescue to the Dominican Republic.
“This is our part in a diplomatic effort to help our brothers and sisters in the Dominican Republic help save lives.”
Pictured from left to right are Attorney Robert Russo, Providence Councilperson Carmine Castillo, RI State Senator Ana Quezada and RI State Representative Ramon Perez