Rear-end crashes are among the most common wrecks that drivers cause. They are also arguably the most readily-dismissed collisions. People tend to think that rear-end collisions don’t produce much property damage or injury risk. However, rear-end collisions can put people in the hospital or evenly to premature death in some cases. They can also disable vehicles and leave people with massive costs.
Rear-end collisions can occur due to a variety of different factors. The exact circumstances of the crash ultimately determine who is at fault for a particular collision. The following mistakes in traffic commonly cause rear-end wrecks?
Tailgating another vehicle
The most common reason that drivers cause rear-end collisions is a failure to maintain an appropriate following distance. People need to leave enough space between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them in traffic to quickly stop if traffic conditions demand. Unfortunately, many drivers do not leave adequate following distance. Some even intentionally tailgate others by driving far closer than they should to make another driver aware that their speed is too low.
Failing to communicate
Many rear-end collisions occur because the driver in the front vehicle does not properly communicate their intentions to others in traffic. Motorists communicate with one another using illuminated signals on their vehicles. Brake lights let those behind someone know they need to slow down or may soon stop. Turn indicators help others in traffic recognize when someone is about to leave their current lane. If someone fails to use their turn signals, others might not slow down behind them, leading to a preventable rear-end collision. The failure to maintain the lights in a vehicle could also cause a rear-end crash. Burned-out turn signals and brake lights could inhibit attempts at communication in traffic.
Cutting off other drivers
Whenever someone turns or merges into another lane of traffic, they need to gauge traffic beforehand. Unfortunately, some drivers are overly aggressive when entering new lanes of traffic. They may merge in front of a vehicle while leaving only a few feet of space. They might also merge or turn in front of a vehicle without increasing their speed appropriately. If a driver cuts someone else off in traffic, they might ultimately be to blame for the rear-end collision that follows their maneuver.
Both those in the rear vehicle and those in the front vehicle can sometimes be at fault for rear-end collisions. Evaluating the circumstances of a crash can help people establish fault and determine what options for compensation they may have available.